JSONAPI Resources Anchor



A utility to save files generated by Anchor::TypeScript::MultifileSchemaGenerator.


generator = Anchor::TypeScript::MultifileSchemaGenerator.new(
  register: Schema.register,
  manually_editable: true,
  folder_path: "test/files/multifile",
  force: false
puts "✅ test/files/multifile"

.call Parameters


  • Type: Anchor::TypeScript::MultifileSchemaGenerator


  • Type: String

Folder where the files will be saved.


When true, the contents of an existing file will be fully overwritten by the contents of the generated file.

When false:

If the existing file is detected to be manually editable (i.e. // START AUTOGEN and // END AUTOGEN generated by the generator are present) then:

  • If the corresponding file's generated content is manually editable then replace the text between // START AUTOGEN and // END AUTOGEN in the existing file with the text between those markers in the generated files.
  • If not, an error is thrown. To fix, ensure either
    • the generator was initialized with manually_editable: true
    • or use force: true if you no longer want to use a manually editable schema.

If the existing file is not manually editable then the existing will be fully overwritten regardless of force. Currently, only shared.ts will be completely overwritten.

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